Plants for Apartment Living in Brisbane

Indoor plants and balcony gardens add a touch of natural greenery to your living space and best of all, they’re easy to care for!

Indoor plants will help remove the dry indoor air and make rooms feel more comfortable; while outdoor plants beautify balconies and add much-needed colour to our everyday lives.

Some apartment dwellers have a limited amount of space for plants, but many plants can thrive in even small apartments.

Plants for Apartment Living in Brisbane
Plants are a great way to bring an organic feel to your apartment balcony or indoor living space

Sometimes it is hard to maintain a green and bright home environment with a smaller space and no backyard. This is where apartment plants come in handy! They give off oxygen, break down toxins, and help reduce the effects of asthma.

This article will explore some of the best plants for apartment living in Brisbane. It will also talk about what you should consider when choosing plants for your apartment.

Brisbane’s subtropical climate

Brisbane has a subtropical climate that means the summer months can be hot humid and the winter months are cooler and dry. Essentially, there are two seasons in Brisbane, the dry season and the wet season. 

The dry season is from June – October, which is not too wet but there can be rain on some days. The wet season is from November – May, which starts hot but ends up with more rain than sunny days.

Brisbane has a subtropical climate which means that summer temperatures usually stay between 24°C and 36°C with the most humid weather in January. The most common plants in Brisbane are eucalypts, bottlebrush, jacaranda, bougainvillea and palm tree.

For Brisbane apartment living it’s a good idea to choose plants that are suitable for the climate. Also, consider whether you’ll be placing the plants inside or outside on the balcony. During the summer storms can be a little wild and woolly so strong and sturdy plants may be needed.

Here are some plant suggestions that you may want to consider.


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The leaves of philodendron plants are used for decoration purposes. They have a wide variety of colours and textures. The plant has an upright stem that can grow up to 3 feet tall that blooms with white or yellow flowers.

Philodendron is a genus of flowering plants in the family Araceae. The word “philodendron” is derived from the Greek words Philos, meaning “love,” and dendron, meaning “tree.”

There are close to 200 species of philodendrons, but only a few types are considered popular for their air-purifying qualities. The Xanadu philodendron is an example of one type of philodendron, but there are many varieties to choose from.

Peace Lily

Peace Lily Plant for Clean Air Indoors
The Peace Lily plant is a great indoor plant for your apartment helping to purify the air

The Peace Lily plant is a flowering plant native to parts of Central America. It can clean the air since it reduces air pollution. It can get rid of indoor pollution.

This plant is grown for its attractive appearance and also for its ability to filter air pollution. It is also beautiful enough to be used as an indoor decoration. It needs more light than many other houseplants, so place it near a window or in front of a light source.

Over the years, the Peace Lily has had several names; the scientific name is Spathiphyllum, but (in Mexico) it’s sometimes called Spath Amabile.

It can be grown in different types of soil, including water. Peace Lilies are also tolerant to varying levels of light and temperature. This versatile plant is a low-maintenance houseplant that does not require much light. Most people use it because of its ability to clean the air in our homes.

Chinese Ever Green plant

The Chinese Evergreen is a plant that belongs to the family of the Convolvulaceae. The scientific name for this plant is Aglaonema commutatum. 

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It is a tropical plant that originates from China, with long green-coloured leaves that are arranged spirally or in whorls with white borders. There are many variations of the Chinese Evergreen, but they all have similar characteristics.

The Chinese Evergreen can be found in many warm regions around the world, including North America and Europe. It prefers moist soil with plenty of light and humidity but will grow in dry areas if there isn’t any water available to it. 

It’s not very picky when it comes to the amount of sunlight it receives either – although it prefers more sunlight over less sunlight when possible

The plants are native to Asia but have spread widely across the globe due to their easy cultivation and versatility.

Aglaonemas are often used as office plants because they do not require much care and can thrive in low-light conditions. They are also popular because of their long, slender leaves that range from dark green to light green. Almost silver in appearance.

Aglaonema plants are very tolerant of neglect, requiring little water or pruning, but will grow best with moderate to high levels of light.

Maiden Hair Fern

The Maiden Hair Fern is a relatively common type of fern that can grow well in a variety of environments. It tolerates shade, but prefers light shade to full sun, and needs moderately moist soil.

Maiden Hair Ferns have been used for centuries, specifically by Greeks and Romans, to ward off evil spirits. In the Middle Ages, the Maiden Hair Fern was considered good luck because it was believed to grow near springs and waterfalls. 

The Maiden Hair Fern is an easy-to-grow and very popular group of plants. These plants are tolerant of a range of light conditions and environments.

Monstera Deliciosa

Monstera Deliciosa is a tropical flowering vine belonging to the Araceae Family. It is native to Central America, where it grows at low elevations, typically in hot and wet environments. The plant is also known as Split-Leaf Philodendron or Swiss Cheese Plant.

The plant has long vines that can grow quite long. They are covered with thick, broad leaves that are split into fingers with saw-tooth margins that terminate into a sharp point. 

The leaves are typically dark green but variegated cultivars can have cream or yellowish stripes or marbling throughout them. The leaf stems are usually red, which can create an interesting contrast against the green leaves when they are close together on the vine.

Where to buy plants for your Brisbane apartment

Try Bunnings or your local nursery for help and advice on purchasing plants for your apartment. You will be surprised by the extensive knowledge and experience that you can tap into. Not to mention, the gardener or other residents in your apartment complex.